Friday, December 16, 2011

Wedding crashers

A few weeks ago some volunteers and I biked into a nearby village where another volunteer had received a grant to fix up her local clinic. I was happy to accept the invitation to go by and help out. It was to be one of my first projects to help out and be apart of as a new volunteer.
Katy at the clinic that we would soon be painting.
Other volunteers scoping out the clinic and noting on what needs to get done first.
Erin and Katy working hard.
It was a lot of work but definitely a great time. We painted the walls inside and out. This clinic needed a lot of mainenance but thanks to Lauren, the volunteer who set everything up and who was our gracious host, we were able to get the clinic to look a lot better. I'll have to go back and take an after picture.
While we were there we got invited to go to a wedding. We didn't get an invite we just woke up and were told that we would be attending a wedding. So off we went, Lauren, Erin, Derik and I got dressed and headed straight to the wedding. Keep in mind that this was not planned so some of the clothes I had to wear had some paint on them and was not wedding attire but none the less, when you're invited to go to a wedding in Cambodia you kindly accept the invitation.
The groom (the one holding the plate of food) and the grooms men.
In Cambodian weddings, it's tradition to gather in a line and walk from the grooms house to the brides house while holding plates of food or drinks as a gift gathering.
Yes...that is a pigs head on a platter.
Erin (right) who is looking fabulous standing with another guest.
I got lucky and got to hold the beer. I was trying to take a traditional kamar picture but couldn't fight off laughing and smiling. Note: Cambodians usually do not smile when taking pictures.
Once we arrive at the brides house we sit down and in two lines facing each other and wait for the bride to walk down the aisle.
This was another item i got to hold. The little envelope on the right was a gift given to all guests who arrived with a gift.
The women in front of me are wearing traditional wedding outfits. They are bright and beautiful.
Here comes the bride!
As she passed me i noticed how beautiful and detailed her gown was. I felt very happy to be apart of it.
Where we had the wedding feast.

After enjoying a good meal of rice and soup we headed back to the clinic and continued with our painting. I'm not sure if that' sosmething i'll ever do in the states. Go to a wedding randomly and then get back to work. But one thing i do know is that I will never turn down a wedding invitation in cambodia. You'll never know what you'll miss. :)

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