Thursday, March 7, 2013

2nd Annual Create Cambodia: Performance Night

At last!!! After almost a year of anxiously waiting for the 2nd annual Create Cambodia it has finally arrived. My students, who attended last year's festival,  have been asking me about it for the past six months and were very much excited to go back. So when the time came, I and twelve of my students packed into a taxi van and traveled three hours to get to our destination. Once we arrived and settled in we had the chance to meet and greet new and old friends from all over Cambodia. Over 140 students attended, which is a very exciting number compared to last year's less than 100 attendance which only proves that the success of this festival is growing. Last year's festival was a great success and this years was just as amazing as ever.
For our first day we were awed by several Cambodian dance groups performances. We got to watch a mix of traditional Khmer dances as well as hip-hop and modern dances. Organizations such as, Epic Arts (, Krousar Thmey (, Tiny Toons and Apsara Arts Association ( amazed us with their outstanding talents. All of these organizations are outstanding and are working on the betterment of Cambodia. Some of them work with individuals who have a learning or physical disability such as Epic Arts, and others work with helping young children stay off the streets such as Tiny Toones.
Overall, watching these performances was a great way to start our festival and to help fire up our students with inspiration. 

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