Monday, April 22, 2013

Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia

Going to the market is one of my favorite things to do while on vacation. I get to meet interesting characters, I get to check out the local produce and I get to try different types of local food. On this particular day I went to Chow Kit Market which is locate in the the northern part of KL. The market was a bit rusty but definitely culturally enriched with all the vendors. The smell of raw fish and meat was very much pungent through out the market but none the less I had great time walking in and out of the crazy like maze and talking the sellers. One guy was even trying to sell me a cow's tongue. Thank you but no thanks. 

The gentleman above is working on a one of kind art craft that results in wooden piece that you see below. It takes delicate hands, focus and skills to make such a piece. 

I miss seeing graffiti art so when I saw this across the platform from my train stop at the hostel I was staying at I just had to snap away. Graffiti art has its way of enriching the neighborhood and city with culture and color. There's not really any graffiti art in Cambodia but I think a lot of it has to do with not having access nor the ability to openly express one's ideas and thoughts in a public and artistic manner.

Borneo-Bako National Park

In Sarawak, I went to the Bako National Park with two other friends where we got to go trekking in a rainforest island that is full of wildlife and beauty all around. This place has over 16 trails and even though we went hiking two days in a row we did not even cover the surface that this place has to offer. You almost have to spend a week there just to be able to see everything that Bako has to offer. None the less, we soaked in as much as we could in the two days that we were there and got to venture out to some private beaches, we saw some proboscis monkeys, which can only be found on Bako Island and we also had some friendly run ins with some bearded pigs and monkeys who will snatch your food right our of your rand if you're not careful.

Borneo and Orangutans

Kuching, Sarawak is a friendly and laid back little town that is not yet overwhelmed with mainstream tourism. As small as this town is it's filled with a lively atmosphere with nearby trekking trails, an orangutan rehabilitation center, authentic Borneo dishes such as laksa (a curry and noodle dish filled with eggs, chicken and shrimp) and beautiful, historical buildings that dates back to the early 1800's.

My friends and I traveled to a nearby Orangutan rehabilitation center known as Semengoh. Most travelers are allowed into the park twice a day during their feeding hours so that you can get a quick glimpse of these magnificent creatures in their natural wildlife surroundings. They're used to onlookers stopping by so they are definitely not shy. We were advised to not have any sort of food or water bottles on our personal belongings as it can pose a serious threat. We saw pictures of some people who had their hands torn off because of an incident where some school children had a water bottle. Yeah it was pretty graphic. But being in the presence of these Orangutans was truly amazing while we watched them munch on some bananas and swing across a rope fifty feet up in the sky.

Heeeeeeeere comes the alpha!

Pitcher plants.

My first instinct was to run to this tree and hug it. Good thing I didn't because once I got up close I noticed that the roots and trunk were covered with little thorns.