Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Closing of Service fun day and conference

The end is almost near and to prepare for our closing of service Peace Corps brought all of us K5's into Phnom Penh to have a fun day and to complete our final conference. For our fun day we played softball, swam in a cool, refreshing pool, ate hot dogs and enjoyed each others company for one last group gathering. It was all a bitter sweet moment. So many friends I made in Peace Corps and I can't express enough how much I hold them dear to my heart and how much I'm going to miss everyone of them. Thanks guys for sharing some awesome moments these past two years. It's been quite a ride.

We had a boat party where we enjoyed some cool refreshments and celebrated all of our accomplishments. We did superlatives and yours truly was voted most talented and most friendly, most likely to teach you how to make cambodian tortillas and most likely to start an art co-op, which i have to say got me thinking and inspired. So who knows, maybe some day I will open up my art co-op somewhere in the world.

We are one good looking bunch. I love my peace corps family!

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