Friday, September 2, 2011

Oink! Oink!

 The pig ben is located in the back of the house where I had my language training class. I took way to many pictures of these pigs but I couldn't help myself.

 Studying hard with my langauge instructor, Vuthy (left) and my friend Amelia.
My two other friends, Sam and Hal. We were all together when we first learned that the owners of the pig ben raised their animals and sold them. It was such a relief because on our first day of class we saw the owner walking a huge pig to the back yard and before you know it we heard this horrible screeching pig noise. It sounded like it was squeling for it's dear life and I was traumatized for the next couple of days. We first thought the sound was the pig being slaughtered. But then a few weeks later our language instructor informed us that the owner does not slaughter his own pigs but instead raises them and breeds them. So we were happy to find out that the high pitched squeling noise did not come from pigs being slaughtered but rather from making love. Phew!

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